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What exactly is a mommy makeover?

A “Mommy Makeover” is a term commonly used to describe a customized set of cosmetic procedures aimed at restoring a woman’s pre-pregnancy body. These procedures can include vaginal rejuvenation procedures like vaginal tightening and labiaplasty. Vaginal tightening aims to strengthen the vaginal muscles, often weakened after childbirth, to improve both functional and aesthetic aspects. Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes or reduces the size of the labia for either cosmetic reasons or to alleviate discomfort.

Including vaginal tightening and labiaplasty in a Mommy Makeover can offer a more comprehensive restoration of a woman’s body, addressing the visible changes and those that affect intimate well-being. These additions can be particularly beneficial for women who experience functional issues like urinary incontinence or sexual discomfort due to the changes brought on by childbirth.

What exactly is a mommy makeover?

What is the best age for mommy makeover?

The “best” age for a Mommy Makeover varies from person to person and largely depends on individual circumstances, such as overall health, lifestyle, and personal goals. However, some general guidelines can help determine if the timing is right for you.

  • Post-Childbearing: It’s generally recommended to wait until you’re done having children before undergoing a Mommy Makeover. Additional pregnancies can negate the results of the procedures.
  • Stable Weight: Your weight should be durable for at least six months to a year. Significant weight fluctuations can affect the longevity and quality of the results.
  • Good Health: You should be in good overall physical and emotional health. Chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease may complicate surgery and recovery.
  • Realistic Expectations: Having realistic expectations about what the surgery can achieve is essential. A consultation with a qualified surgeon can help clarify what results are possible.
  • Time for Recovery: Ensure you have adequate time to recover post-surgery. Recovery can take some weeks, and you’ll need help with daily tasks and childcare.
  • Emotional Readiness: Ensure you are emotionally prepared for surgery and recovery. It’s a significant commitment and can be emotionally taxing.

While age itself is less of a determining factor, most women who opt for a Mommy Makeover are in their 30s to 50s. This is often when childbearing is complete, and women want to restore or improve their pre-pregnancy bodies.

It’s crucial to consult with a qualified medical professional, like Dr. Sassoon, to determine if a Mommy Makeover is appropriate for you. You can discuss your medical history, goals, and other concerns during the consultation to arrive at a personalized treatment plan.

What is the weight limit for a mommy makeover?

The weight limit for a Mommy Makeover, particularly for procedures like vaginal tightening and labiaplasty, can vary depending on several factors such as the surgeon’s guidelines, the patient’s overall health, and the specific requirements of the procedures involved. Generally, it’s recommended that patients be close to their ideal body weight and maintain a stable weight for at least six months before surgery.

Being at or near your ideal weight is essential for several reasons:

  • Surgical Risks: Being overweight can increase the risks associated with anesthesia and surgery, such as blood clots or infection.
  • Quality of Results: Achieving optimal results is more likely when you are at a stable and healthy weight. Weight fluctuations after surgery can affect the longevity and quality of the results.
  • Recovery: Being at a healthy weight can also aid in a smoother, quicker recovery process.
  • Procedure Efficacy: For vaginal tightening and labiaplasty, being at a healthy weight can contribute to the overall success and efficacy of the procedure.

It’s crucial to have a thorough consultation with a qualified medical professional to determine your eligibility for these procedures. During this consultation, factors like your Body Mass Index (BMI), overall health status, and specific surgical goals will be evaluated to provide a personalized treatment plan.

We encourage you to call our practice or book a consultation with Dr. Sassoon for the most accurate and personalized information. This will allow you to discuss your concerns and get a tailored treatment plan for your health and aesthetic goals.

Labiaplasty NYC: Before and After Graphic

How much is a mommy makeover in NYC?

The cost of a Mommy Makeover can vary widely depending on a range of factors, including the specific procedures involved, the surgeon’s expertise, and geographic location.

However, it takes time to provide an accurate estimate of the cost online due to the highly personalized nature of these procedures. Each Mommy Makeover is tailored to the individual patient’s needs, and therefore, the prices can differ significantly from one person to another.

We strongly encourage you to book a consultation with Dr. Sassoon to understand better the costs involved. During the consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your specific concerns and goals, allowing Dr. Sassoon to provide a customized treatment plan and a detailed cost breakdown.

What does the mommy makeover include?

A Mommy Makeover is a customized combination of cosmetic procedures designed to address the physical changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The specific policies included can vary from patient to patient, depending on their individual needs and goals.

Vaginal Tightening: To strengthen and tighten the vaginal muscles that may have been weakened due to childbirth. This can improve both functional and aesthetic aspects.

  • Labiaplasty: A surgical procedure to reshape or reduce the size of the labia, either for cosmetic reasons or to alleviate discomfort.
    Butt Lift: To improve the shape and size of t

What does vaginal rejuvenation do?

Vaginal rejuvenation is a term that encompasses various surgical procedures aimed at improving the functional and aesthetic aspects of the vaginal area.

Functional Improvements:

  • Tightening: One of the primary goals is to tighten the vaginal canal, which can become lax due to aging or childbirth. This can improve sexual satisfaction for both partners.

Aesthetic Improvements:

  • Labiaplasty: This surgical procedure reshapes or reduces the size of the labia minora or labia majora, either for cosmetic reasons or to alleviate physical discomfort.
  • Clitoral Hood Reduction: Some women opt for a reduction of the clitoral hood to improve aesthetic appearance or enhance sexual pleasure.

How much is a mommy makeover in NYC?

How long after a mommy makeover can you be intimate?

The timeline for resuming sexual activity after a Mommy Makeover varies depending on the specific procedures performed and the individual’s healing process. Generally speaking, most surgeons recommend waiting at least 6 to 8 weeks before resuming sexual intercourse. Here’s a breakdown based on some of the common procedures included in a Mommy Makeover:

  • Vaginal Tightening: For surgical procedures like vaginoplasty, most surgeons recommend waiting 6 to 8 weeks to allow the vaginal tissues to fully heal.
  • Labiaplasty: The sensitive tissues of the labia need time to heal, and most surgeons recommend waiting about six weeks before resuming sexual activity.

It’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative guidelines and to attend all follow-up appointments to ensure that you’re healing as expected. Your surgeon can give you personalized advice on when it’s safe to resume sexual activity based on your healing progress.


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What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is another surgical option within the scope of vaginal rejuvenation, specifically targeting the labia minora or labia majora. The procedure reshapes and sometimes reduces the size of the labia, providing both aesthetic and functional benefits.

What is Vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at tightening the vaginal muscles and surrounding tissues. It’s often considered by women who have experienced a loss of vaginal tone due to childbirth, aging, or other factors.