At the heart of New York City, our clinic proudly specializes in the MonaLisa Touch® treatment, a pioneering approach tailored for older women post-menopause. This innovative laser treatment, renowned for its efficacy and safety, is a cornerstone of our services, offering a new lease on life for women experiencing menopausal symptoms.

Customized MonaLisa Touch® Solutions for Menopausal Women

Understanding that each woman’s journey through menopause is unique, our New York-based clinic provides personalized MonaLisa Touch® treatments. Our expert team, equipped with the latest technology and in-depth knowledge, assesses each client’s specific needs. We ensure that every treatment plan is as individual as the women we serve, focusing on delivering results that enhance overall feminine health and comfort.

Comprehensive Care with MonaLisa Touch® Treatment Post Menopause

MonaLisa Touch® in New York isn’t just about the treatment; it’s about the comprehensive care and support we provide. From the initial consultation to the follow-up appointments, our dedicated professionals guide each woman through her treatment journey. We take pride in creating a welcoming, confidential environment where clients can openly discuss their concerns and receive tailored advice on managing post-menopausal symptoms with MonaLisa Touch®.


Our Expertise in MonaLisa Touch® Treatment for Older Women

Dedicated to Women’s Health: Dr. Sassoon’s Journey with MonaLisa Touch®

At the forefront of our New York-based clinic is Dr. Sassoon, a renowned expert in women’s health with over 25 years of experience. Dr. Sassoon’s journey in medicine is marked by a deep commitment to providing comprehensive care for women, especially those navigating the complexities of post-menopausal life. His expertise in the MonaLisa Touch® treatment is a testament to his dedication to advancing feminine wellness.

Excellence in Post-Menopausal Care with MonaLisa Touch®

Under Dr. Sassoon’s guidance, our clinic has become a sanctuary for older women seeking relief and rejuvenation post-menopause. With his extensive experience and a compassionate approach, Dr. Sassoon has successfully integrated the MonaLisa Touch® technology into our suite of services, ensuring that each treatment is administered with precision and personalized care. His leadership in the field is not just about offering state-of-the-art treatments but also about educating and empowering women to take charge of their health during and after menopause.

A Legacy of Trust and Innovation in New York

Dr. Sassoon’s reputation in New York and beyond is built on a foundation of trust, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in women’s health care. Patients at our clinic benefit from his vast experience, receiving care that is not only technically advanced but also empathetic and tailored to their individual needs. Our team, led by Dr. Sassoon, remains dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for our patients through the effective and innovative use of MonaLisa Touch® treatments.


Understanding the MonaLisa Touch® Treatment Process

At our New York clinic, the MonaLisa Touch® treatment is a core component of our services for post-menopausal women. This non-invasive laser therapy is designed to rejuvenate and restore vaginal health, addressing symptoms like dryness, discomfort, and urinary incontinence. The process involves gentle laser energy applied to the vaginal walls, stimulating collagen production and restoring the mucosal tone, which often diminishes post-menopause.

Benefits of MonaLisa Touch® for Menopausal Symptoms

MonaLisa Touch® offers a range of benefits for menopausal women, from improving vaginal health to enhancing overall quality of life. This treatment, with its minimal downtime and non-surgical approach, is especially appealing for those seeking a less invasive option.

Complementing MonaLisa Touch® with Surgical Options

While MonaLisa Touch® is effective for many, we also recognize the importance of offering comprehensive care that includes surgical options for those seeking more extensive rejuvenation. Vaginal tightening surgery, for instance, is an option available at our clinic, providing lasting results for women experiencing more severe symptoms of vaginal laxity. This surgical method, performed by our skilled team led by Dr. Sassoon, offers an alternative route to achieving desired outcomes, complementing the benefits of the MonaLisa Touch® treatment.

 MonaLisa Touch Treatment

Get in Touch for Your MonaLisa Touch® and Vaginal Rejuvenation Journey in New York

We understand that each woman’s journey through menopause is unique, and so are the solutions she seeks. Whether you’re considering the non-invasive MonaLisa Touch® treatment or exploring surgical options like vaginal tightening, our clinic in New York City is here to guide and support you.

Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Sassoon

With over 25 years of experience in women’s health, Dr. Sassoon and our team are committed to providing personalized care that aligns with your health goals and lifestyle. To learn more about how MonaLisa Touch® or our surgical rejuvenation options can benefit you, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us.

Connect with Us for Personalized Care

Your well-being and satisfaction are our top priorities. We invite you to reach out to us with any questions you may have or to discuss your specific needs. Let us be your partner in navigating the journey of post-menopausal health and wellness.